by Gavin Crawley | Jan 25, 2022 | Content writing
As the digital age continues to move businesses online, the need for specialised content grows ever more essential. Large, successful companies almost always use an in-house team or outsource their content creation to professional copywriters. When it comes to...
by Louisa | Feb 1, 2020 | Content writing, Freelancing
Deciding to hire a copywriter for your project is one of the best decisions you can make. It is also one of the most unnerving decisions. Your company is important to you. Every aspect of your project determines how your buyers will perceive you, your company, and...
by Louisa | Jan 31, 2020 | Content writing
Need significant amounts of white label content writing on a regular basis? Go Wholesale! Time is something everyone seems to be short of these days and for many, there’s little time in the working day to write the necessary blog posts, promotional advertisement...
by Louisa | May 10, 2016 | Blogging, Content writing
Writing Regular Blogs – Researching and Citing Statistics for Blogs Anyone regularly writing blog content will know that eventually, we all need a bit of inspiration to create engaging copy that will attract viewers. Conducting research gives us the facts and...
by Louisa | Nov 4, 2015 | Blogging, Content writing, Google, SEO
Writing Blogs – Do’s and Don’tsKeeping an active blog is fast becoming one of the most important ways to draw attention to your business and attract new clients.One of our clients, for whom we write 5 blogs a week, has gained over 46,000 hits on just...
by Louisa | Nov 3, 2015 | Blogging, Content writing, Improve your Website
Bad style and grammar reflects badly on you – The importance of native speaking writers If there’s one thing that will scupper your attempts to create engaging copy, it’s bad use of style and grammar. It might seem like a minor thing to some, but to UK...